Music is the language of our soul, body, the nature all around us and everything that we are made of.
- Minshul
Minshul is a certified Sound Healing Practitioner and Therapist (Certified with COE, CPD and ABC) accredited by CMA (Complementary Medical Association). Her interest in Sound Therapy and Healing develops from the love of Music (as it uses sound), Physics (as Sound Therapy stems from the basics of Quantum Physics) and healing energies (which is the base of Sound Healing).
Healing Through Sound -
It pierces barriers and connects us all.
Sound Therapy uses sound, music, voice and specialist instruments played in therapeutic ways, combined with deep self-reflection techniques to improve health and wellbeing. Sound has the power to re-align the energy system and shift our vibratory state in an instant, bringing one to a balanced and whole state.
Effortlessly, as you simply listen and open to receive the music, you release energies, beliefs, and emotions that no longer serve you.
1. One-To–One Sound therapy and healing session
2. Sound Bath
Sound Therapy Programs
These Sound therapy programs are deeply-immersive, full-body listening experience that intentionally uses sound to invite gentle yet powerful therapeutic and restorative processes to nurture the mind and b
In sound we are born, in sound we are healed”
― Mehtab Benton